interface ParallelTransactionExecutorOptions {
    cache?: AsyncCache;
    client: SuiClient;
    coinBatchSize?: number;
    defaultGasBudget?: bigint;
    epochBoundaryWindow?: number;
    initialCoinBalance?: bigint;
    maxPoolSize?: number;
    minimumCoinBalance?: bigint;
    signer: Signer;
    sourceCoins?: string[];


  • Omit<ObjectCacheOptions, "address">
    • ParallelTransactionExecutorOptions


cache?: AsyncCache
client: SuiClient
coinBatchSize?: number

The number of coins to create in a batch when refilling the gas pool

defaultGasBudget?: bigint

The gasBudget to use if the transaction has not defined it's own gasBudget, defaults to minimumCoinBalance

epochBoundaryWindow?: number

Time to wait before/after the expected epoch boundary before re-fetching the gas pool (in milliseconds). Building transactions will be paused for up to 2x this duration around each epoch boundary to ensure the gas price is up-to-date for the next epoch.

initialCoinBalance?: bigint

The initial balance of each coin created for the gas pool

maxPoolSize?: number

The maximum number of transactions that can be execute in parallel, this also determines the maximum number of gas coins that will be created

minimumCoinBalance?: bigint

The minimum balance of a coin that can be reused for future transactions. If the gasCoin is below this value, it will be used when refilling the gasPool

signer: Signer
sourceCoins?: string[]

An initial list of coins used to fund the gas pool, uses all owned SUI coins by default